
Aging – We are all aging regardless of where we are in the process.  And we are all being affected by world beliefs.

Could our beliefs about aging be just another incorrect world belief that we have believed and consequently experienced?

What is age?  Is age just the number of years we have been here on earth?  Or does it mean something much more?  It seems that we have a whole structure build around beliefs about what happens as we have been here a longer period of time.

The belief of, at least the Western world, is that our youth is the best years of our life – the most enjoyable and the most productive, therefore, the most valuable.

The belief is that the second half of our life is all downhill, that we are becoming less valuable to ourselves and the world.  And in time we will no longer be able to take care of ourselves much less make a contribution to the world.

We have numerous organizations built on that belief, for instance insurance, financial planning, nursing homes, etc.  We give this belief much attention.  We usually spend a great deal of time planning for it, because it is such a strong belief, we believe it is inevitable.

This, of course, is what we experience, because our beliefs guide our thoughts, feelings, attention and actions which inevitably validate the belief.

I have known, for a very long time, that it is our beliefs that are creating our experiences on every level and at all times.  And that our beliefs about aging are completely wrong.

However, in reading Gregg Braden’s new book “The Science of Self-Empowerment”, I was introduced to a concept that I had not considered before.  He suggested that maybe at the moment we are born we begin to heal and revitalize ourselves.  He suggested that instead of using up our life we could be constantly creating more.

I was so excited to read this. I immediately realized that this is so true.  It is exactly what happens.  Everyday we are becoming more rather than less.  When I think of my own life, I enjoy life more and am much more valuable now, than I was capable of in my twenties. 

Think about it!  I bet you are too, if you are over 30.

In my twenties I was physically stronger, but my value is not, and never was, physical strength.  Yet, I have read about people in different parts of the world who do manual labor daily their entire life and live much longer than the average person in the Western world.

I highly recommend reading Gregg Braden’s book for a clearer understanding of his deep insights, and what science has discovered in regard to how our physical bodies are constantly rebuilding themselves.

Scientists have discovered that the cells of our bodies are constantly being recreated.  What they tell us is that every cell in our bodies have been replaced with a new cell every 7 years.  Different cells are dying and being replaced by new cells at different times, but this process has occurred with every cell in the body every 7 years.  Therefore, all of our bodies are never more than 7 years old.

So why do we believe that as we get older our bodies begin to ware out? 

Could it be that we are here on earth to heal and grow?  Could it be that we come here with different issues that we are here to heal?  Could it be that instead of depleting our value we could be increasing it?  Could it be possible that every part of us including our bodies could become stronger as we age?

Our programmed beliefs about aging were obviously wrong and fortunately we can change them.  I realize this is much easier said than done, but we can do it.  Just think how it will change our lives and the world.

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